Thursday, March 5, 2020

English Expressions with LOOK Intermediate Level English

English Expressions with LOOK Intermediate Level English We usually use the verb to look to describe how we see or watch something.    I looked at that TV  programme last night.    I looked at the report quickly.    Here are some English Expressions with LOOK presenting  other ways in which we can use it, sometimes as a verb, phrasal verb and also as a noun.  Scroll down to watch video lesson on English expressions with LOOK. English Expressions with LOOK HAVE A LOOK  A very useful phrase that we can use in many different situations. It means to glance or to look at something or someone,  especially in a quick, informal manner.  Can you have a look  at that email before you leave?    I will have a look at that hair dryer and see if I can fix it, if you like.    If  you don’t believe why don’t you have a look for yourself.    All of these expressions demonstrate the  versatility of this phase.  LOOK YOUR BEST    When we have to make a speech or we are attending an important meeting or  interview, it is always important to present ourselves in the best way possible.    We often can hear from our friends or family:    It’s important to look your best today. It’s a big day for you.    Or    I really want  to look my best for this dinner. Can you re-style my hair to give me a more modern look please?  LOOK WORSE FOR WEAR  This is usually used to describe when someone isn’t looking their best. In fact,  they look a little ill or n ot themselves.    He had a few difficult days. The office party went on long into  the night and on top of that he also had a party in the football club the day before. After 2 days of  celebration he certainly was looking the worse for wear.  GOOD LOOKING  This is frequently used to describe how a man or woman appear to us. This English expression is used to describe  their physical appearance. We use it when we want to describe a person who is physically attractive.  For example:    He is a very good looking man.    Or    She is good looking, isn’t  she? Expressions with LOOK - Infographic Enjoyed this infographic? Here’s what you can do next: BY THE LOOK OF IT  When we are not sure about something and we ask for a second opinion or  someone’s view on it. The reply we get will often include this phrase by the look of it.    For example:    Mary is reading a legal banking document that is not really written in clear simple English. She asks  her colleague Catherine to have a look at a particular section and give her view/opinion as to what it  means.    Catherine reads it several times and says: By the look of it, it appears that they want you to  give a personal guarantee. I am not a banker but that is how I read it. I think you should call them  and clarify it.  IT LOOKS LIKE    Again when we are asked for our opinion. We often use this phrase when we are  confirming what the other person wants to hear.    For example:    John received a reply to his request  for a promotion. He had been working in the same position for more than 3 years. His boss replied  to say how much they valued his work how important he was to the company in the position he  holds.    He asked his colleague Mathew:   I think they are telling me I am not getting that promotion.  What do you think?  Mathew looks at the email and replies:   Yes, it looks like it to me. meaning I   would agree  with your view.  LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE (OF LIFE, OF THINGS)  To stay optimistic and try to see something positive even in a bad situation. There is always a light. We can use this expression to cheer someone up.  John is amazing! He almost always has a smile or laugh available, and tries  to look on the bright side of  things.  Lets look on the bright side; at least Monday only happens once a week.  This expression is originated from the cult British comedy The Life of Brian. English Expressions with LOOK - Video English Lesson

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